Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tea Party Sneak Peak

 The Senior Tea Party is today and here is a sneak peak of a few items i made for each place setting.  I will post additional pictures this weekend of the finished tables.

 My friend andrea helped me come up with this idea for mint holders.  This is how I made them.

1. My husband cut PVC pipe 1 3/4"
2. I covered with decorative paper3. I glued a plastic wine cup (without the base) onto  PVC.  Best Glue E-6000
4.  I tied a Tulle Knot around the base of the cup
5.  I filled with bible verse mints
I also made a second version using the paper flowers.
Thanks Andrea!

For the dessert plates I glued a poem onto a doily.  My friend Linda helped me find the poem and edit it on the computer. My Friend Rona cut pink circles with my gypsy and glued onto a paper doily.
Thanks so much Linda and Rona!
The Poem says:
Just put the kettle on to boil and have a cup of tea, Then sit down in your favorite chair and cozy up with me!  Today you don't need sugar, I really want to say, You sweeten everything you touch, Have a Happy Mothers Day!

I will post pictures of the tea party soon!
Happy Mothers Day!

Entered in:  Crazy4Challenges.... C4C86 (Flowers)

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