Monday, July 12, 2010

Cricut Serenade Bird Cage Card TAKE 2

Here is my next version of the Serenade Bird Cage card. It is much simpler and so much easier to make. The base of the card is 10" x 6" scored at 5". I marked the front of the card in the center and cut the birdcage on shadow center point at 3.8". I cut one birdcage at 4", I cut one set of birdcage layer at 4.5". I cut one birds at 1.5" and two wings. I stamped the swirl randomly on the front of the card in old paper (Tim Holtz). I stamped the flowers in groups of three is red. I put a gem in the middle of each flower. I sponged the edges to give an older look. I glued the birdcage to the opening with attaching the sides of the layered strips. I glued the bird to the inside of the card so that is is showing through the birdhouse in the front. I stamped the saying "your friendship means the world to me" in Brown on the inside and hand wrote my message. I gave it to my friend Sheila at work today........ She loved it : )

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